Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Flecknerspitze 2350m

We followed our tour book and wanted to hike to the summit called "Fleckner Spitze". We started from shortly below the "Jaufenpass" at the "Enzian Hütte" (where we had a good soup just before leaving into the cold) The weather was much more uncomfortable then before. 
We had snow and ice and the view was very limited - on the other hand we felt great and proud - even if we looked like Ninja turtles a bit :-) 

There was also no awarding great outlook from the summit - just fog and wind. 
We stayed for a while but then left towards the "Fleckner Huette" - as usual, we had some food and a good glass of wine. 
Note: there is a really big black dog at the Fleckner Huette. He might run to you and if you are a little bit afraid of dogs, that might be frightening to you. Trust me - he only want's to play and is a nice boy!

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